The Organisers
Our 2020 Sponsors are
Bivouac Outdoors have kindly agreed to be the main sponsor for this series. This has allowed us to include HEAPS of prizes!!
Boric Food Market are also fantastic long-time sponsors for this series.
Useful Links
Like us on facebook to (click here: ) to be kept up to date with tips and reminders. Or check out our facebook page here: facebook.com/rogaineseries.co.nz
See mapsport.co.nz for compasses etc.
A great source for learning how to use a compass can be found on the Silva Website.
See maptalk.co.nz for more orienteering events, as well as interesting forums.
www.onesportevent.com is a great place to find out about sports events, map and share workout stats, and chat in sports forums.