Rogaine Series
There are 3 events in this year's series. All are foot rogaines and are 90 minutes.
Start times are 11.00am. Registration from 9.30am.
See the Latest News page for more detailed info on getting to the next event etc...
Rogaine Rules & Info
Rogaine is the sport of cross country navigation in which individuals or teams visit as many check-points as possible within a given time limit, sometimes 24 hrs! The time limit for this series of rogaines is 90 minutes.
Participants travel on foot, navigating by map and compass. Checkpoints may be visited in any order, with checkpoints being allocated differing points. The highest score wins.
Participants may return to the event centre as many times as they like and do not have to stay out for the entire time allowed. Penalty points are deducted from the overall score for a late return.
There are checkpoints/controls for everyone: 10 suitable for absolute beginners, which are very near handrails like tracks and fences - yellow standard controls; 10 orange standard controls, which are achievable for newer orienteers; and 10 red controls which are designed for experienced orienteers. Many people will be able to get controls that are more difficult than their usual abilities because a lot of people around you are going to them as well.
We will have experienced orienteers available to help with coaching before and after each event, with an opportunity to go and help pick up controls after the event. This can be a great learning time because you are not pressured by the race situation.
For this series we are encourage individual or pair entries, but we are also accepting teams of 3 or 4 - enter now. Contact Rob Garden if you have any questions.
There will be 30 controls numbered 30 to 59 with the points value being 30 for the 30 series 40 for the 40 series etc, to make a total of 1200 points available. 20 points will be deducted for each minute or part minute you are late so remember to have a watch. The 30 series are the easiest to find, 40's more difficult and the 50 series are the most difficult controls and advised for experienced orienteers only. If you have trouble with a control move onto another.
If anyone gets all the points in less than the alloted time, 5 bonus points will be awarded for each minute they are early back.
These events are pre-entry, and you need to enter by the Wednesday evening before each weekend event. You are able to enter on the day, but there will be a late fee for this.
Dates of 2019 Events:
5th May - Hidden Valley
19th May - Lake Kereta
9th June - Hedley Dunes
Thank you to our sponsors:
The main Series sponsor is
Bivouac Outdoors
Thanks also to
Boric Food Market
North West Orienteering Club
Very Affordable Entry Fees!
(listed Senior / Junior)
90min Single Event: $20 / $10
90min All 3 Foot Events: $55 / $25
Under 10* - FREE
* = born in 2009 or later
Late Entries / Enter on the Day: 90min $25 / $12 (cash only please)